News Releases
2024 NCSAA Basketball Awards Announced!
| June 27, 2024The 2024 NCSAA Basketball All-American and Super-Regional Teams have been announced and are published here. These players represent the highest level of achievement from amongst the 500+ Christian member schools that comprise NCSAA. Well-done, athletes!

2024 NCSAA Track and Field Championships
| May 24, 2024Thanks to all of the teams that attended this year's NCSAA Track and Field Championships on Saturday, May 18, at Geneva College! Thirteen (13) new meet records were set, and both Ignite Homeschool (WV) and Plants & Pillars (PA) were winners of multiple divisions at the meet.
2024 NCSAA Basketball Championships
| March 15, 2024This year's NCSAA Basketball Championships have been completed, and the full results of the tournament are available here. Congratulations to Portersville Christian (PA) and Fairfax Christian (VA), who won the top divisions for girls and boys, respectively!
2023 NCSAA Basketball Championships
| January 19, 2023This year's NCSAA Basketball Championships are coming up soon (March 2-4, 2023), and we are SO excited to again be holding the event in Mount Vernon, Ohio -- at the wonderful facilities at Mount Vernon Nazarene University and surrounding gyms. We'll be hosting 96 teams again this year, and we are looking forward to having so many of our member schools and other Christian and private schools teams, as well as homeschool programs, join us for the event!
NCSAA Track and Field Returns!
| May 7, 2021We are so pleased to welcome our schools back to the NCSAA Track and Field Championships this year! After a one-year hiatus due to the pandemic, we are able to host the event this year -- and look forward to having teams from a variety of states converge on Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania, for this year's Championships on Saturday, May 22 (at Geneva College).
Sniffing The Wind - Part 1
| November 19, 2020My impatient heart bears kinship to my ancestors of old; I am so quick to want what I want, to believe that my perspective is more wise than any other, to believe that only my own efforts can produce good in my own life. Am I willing to humble myself, to learn from the mistakes of those who came before and faced difficulties of their own? Am I willing to hear and be convicted by the truth?
The Faithful City - Part 3
| October 24, 2020We are His vineyard. He offers us all of this — care beyond what we deserve or can do for ourselves, a clearing of our hearts, planting of Himself there. But do we desire relationship with Him...or our own plans and purposes?

The Faithful City - Part 2
| September 21, 2020“So people WILL be brought low and everyone humbled...The arrogance of man will be brought low and human pride humbled; the Lord WILL be exalted...and the idols will totally disappear.” Cling all I want, I cannot keep my pride and my idols. The presence of the Lord will shake them out of me. Why, then, do I resist? Why do I hide away from the splendor that He offers me?

The Faithful City - Part 1
| September 12, 2020Lord God, spare us from the temptation to follow our own way. Purge away our dross. Remove our impurities. Let us be made the Faithful City. Let us accept your call into relationship and eat the good things of the land.
A Single Cup of Water - Part 3
| April 1, 2020My friends, my brothers and sisters in Christ, how we live and serve in this time – these moments of stress and isolation – are so critical. Like a single cup of water, your life matters. My choices – how I treat others, how I use my words, whether I am willing to be humbled – matter.
A Single Cup of Water - Part 2
| March 30, 2020Reminders come in humbling ways, and these recent weeks have born evidence of my weakness. I’ve been aware of my own fragility; I’ve felt the weight of decisions that prove that I am not strong; and each day I struggle to fully admit that I need mercy…
A Single Cup of Water - Part 1
| March 29, 2020I've had a lot on my mind lately; I'm not alone in this. Despite all the social distancing -- the working from home, having my groceries delivered, and missing being at the track this spring -- and the interruption and isolation that this has thrust upon my life, I realize that we are all still together in this...

Welcome Back!
| August 19, 2019Welcome back to the 2019-20 school year and sports seasons! Keep up the great work at your schools!

We Invite Your School to Join Us!
| August 15, 2019We want to serve your teams, athlete, school, and community! We make membership super-affordable so that any school can be a part of what we're doing. Please read on to learn more about the benefits available to your school, as well as how you can join to be a member this year!

Soccer and Volleyball Championships - October 24-26, 2019
| August 14, 2019This year's NCSAA Soccer and Volleyball Championships are coming up soon (October 24-26, 2019), and we are SO excited to again be holding the event at the fabulous facilities of the Athletes in Action Sports Complex (on world-class turf fields), and Cedarville University (with access to a gym with four volleyball courts that allow for a big-tournament setting). We are so excited to be hosted at a location that will provide a top-notch "home" for our fall championships for many years to come!
Exciting News!
| October 1, 2016What? We've LOWERED the cost of school membership?!? You bet we did!
Soccer and Volleyball Championships - October 27-29
| September 30, 2016We are so excited to be taking this year's championships to Xenia, OH -- to the Athletes in Action Sports Complex and its world-class turf fields! Please join us for an exciting three days of competition, team-building, and spiritual challenge this year!
Why We Play
| October 18, 2014"Play, especially within sport, tends to be dismissed as meaningless, worldly, and contrary to sober Christian living. On the other hand, Christians can be pulled into the idolatry of sport and leisure as an end in itself to be sought at all costs."
I encourage all of you who care to struggle about sports, or struggle to care about sports, to read this article.
2013 NCSAA Basketball Championships
| February 24, 2013The schedule for this year's NCSAA Division 2 and 3 Basketball Championships has been released. 43 boys' and girls' varsity teams from 12 states will converge on Erie, Pennsylvania...
2012-13 NCSAA Tournaments
| August 1, 2012We invite your teams to participate in this year's NCSAA tournament events (dates and details provided here). Now is the time to register, so give us a call, if you're interested!
New Partnerships for the Coming Year
| July 31, 2012NCSAA is excited to announce two new partnerships for the coming school year -- with and Advance Christian Schools. We hope these will be a blessing to your schools!
Member Packets Are Going Out Soon!
| July 30, 2012That's's nearing the time for the coming school year to begin, and here at NCSAA, we're gearing up for the new year, as well.
A Fruit of the Spirit
| October 17, 2011This is the tenth in a season-long series of posts on the topic of joy, as it relates to the life and athletic pursuits of your teams. This post corresponds with Week 9: "A Fruit of the Spirit."
Requirements and Rewards
| October 10, 2011This is the ninth in a season-long series of posts on the topic of joy, as it relates to the life and athletic pursuits of your teams. This post corresponds with Week 8: "Requirements and Rewards."
Joy in the Face of Sorrow?
| October 3, 2011This is the eighth in a season-long series of posts on the topic of joy, as it relates to the life and athletic pursuits of your teams. This post corresponds with Week 7: "Joy in the Face of Sorrow?"
Our Crown
| September 26, 2011This is the seventh in a season-long series of posts on the topic of joy, as it relates to the life and athletic pursuits of your teams. This post corresponds with Week 6: "Our Crown."
Works of the Lord
| September 19, 2011This is the sixth in a season-long series of posts on the topic of joy, as it relates to the life and athletic pursuits of your teams. This post corresponds with Week 5: "Works of the Lord."
Laws That Bring Joy
| September 12, 2011This is the fifth in a season-long series of posts on the topic of joy, as it relates to the life and athletic pursuits of your teams. This post corresponds with Week 4: "Laws That Bring Joy."
Yearning for Joy
| September 5, 2011This is the fourth in a season-long series of posts on the topic of joy, as it relates to the life and athletic pursuits of your teams. This post corresponds with Week 3: "Yearning for Joy."
Defining Joy, Part 2
| August 29, 2011This is the third in a season-long series of posts on the topic of joy, as it relates to the life and athletic pursuits of your teams. This post corresponds with Week 2: "Defining Joy, Part 2."