A Single Cup of Water - Part 1

By Nate Hartman

March 29, 2020

I've had a lot on my mind lately; I'm not alone in this. Despite all the social distancing -- the working from home, having my groceries delivered, and missing being at the track this spring -- and the interruption and isolation that this has thrust upon my life, I realize that we are all still together in this...so I'd like to take today to share some of what's been filling my thoughts.

Last night my wife and I were listening to some live music by Sara Groves (the kind of thing that we're calling a "concert" these days), and three songs resonated with me so strongly, echoing sentiments that have been residing mostly in my subconscious (occasionally pricking my mind and inviting themselves into conversations or decisions in recent days). Quickly I scribbled a few notes on the back of an old envelope on my dresser, so that I'd not forget to resurrect those thoughts into a hastily scripted post today.

The first song ("He's Always Been Faithful") is a reminder of the truth of which many of us have been reminded (and of which we have reminded others) as this time of separation and anxiousness has tempted our minds into a position of worry or uncertainty. For those of us who trust Christ, we know this truth -- He is our Creator, our Father, our steadfast lover, and the Lord of our lives.

"This is my anthem, this is my song
The theme of the stories I've heard for so long
God has been faithful, He will be again
His loving compassion, it knows no end
All I have need of, His hand will provide...
He's always been faithful to me"

Above all else, in times of feeling lonely or afraid, when I am tired of making difficult decisions or having tense conversations, through blessed quality family moments that are often interrupted by the next hard news, after long days and during evenings of deep thought, I am so thankful to know the love of a God who was, and who is, and who is to come -- a Father who authored humanity and breathed me into existence, who is more reliable than any prediction and more compassionate than even the best of my friends who are struggling alongside me.

Before thinking about what I should do, I need to be reminded of the absolute necessity of resting in the arms of my Heavenly Father, who has all of this in His hands...whose plan is perfect, and whose faithfulness is a certainty.

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