New Partnerships for the Coming Year

By Nate Hartman

July 31, 2012

NCSAA is excited to announce two new partnerships for the coming school year:

ExploreChristianEducation.comWe are not only an athletic association, but are also passionate about Christian education; and at a time when many Christian schools are struggling, we are investing a significant portion of our annual budget into helping Christian schools to communicate the distinctiveness and value of Christian education to local parents and families.

We are providing a FREE membership as part of every school's annual NCSAA membership, and one of the benefits of that will be a detailed profile for your school in the School Finder of the website (to be fully launched in early fall).  Because this complimentary membership would cost your school $150 or more apart from NCSAA membership, this is a great way to cost-effectively provide community marketing benefits for your school (and support our work to strengthen Christian education on a national scale).
AdvanceChristianSchools.comWe've partnered with a growing organization called Advance Christian Schools, which offers a year-long school mentoring program (guided by experienced Christian school administrators and advancement officers).  This program aims to help Christian schools to make decisions that will promote excellence at their schools, and will allow them to thrive (not just survive).

Would you say that your school is thriving...or just surviving?  Would you consider inviting an outside evaluation to see what areas could be improved?  If you'd like to learn more, please call NCSAA so that we can tell you more about the special partnership that NCSAA has with Advance Christian Schools and the mentoring and coaching that they provide. 


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