Member Packets Are Going Out Soon!

By Nate Hartman

July 30, 2012

That's's nearing the time for the coming school year to begin, and here at NCSAA, we're gearing up for the new year, as well.  We're looking forward to a new school year, as long as everything that comes with it -- fall sports seasons (and the excitement of keeping tabs on schools across the country), our fall tournaments (even the late nights of preparation!), a new year of challenging schools with the Wellspring of Life Initiative, and the rest of what God has in store for all of us!

Just a few reminders, at this time:

* Current member schools should watch their mailboxes, during the middle to later parts of August.  You'll be receiving your 2012-13 member packets, along with all materials for the year.  In addition, you'll be receiving (via a separate mailing) the Wellspring of Life Initiative booklets for the coming school year.  This year's three Biblical disciplines will be Confidence, Perseverance, and Humility.

* Remember that extra copies of the Wellspring booklets (if you'd like to have enough for all of your coaches and/or athletes) are available for the special member "at-cost" price of $4 each.  Please just give us a call if you'd like us to put additional booklets in the mail to you!

We look forward to hearing from you if you have any questions, and we'll hope to talk with each of your schools early in the school year -- to learn better how we can be praying for and serving your school or group!  Have a great finish to your summer, and thanks so much for all of the work you are doing!

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