We Invite Your School to Join Us!

By Nate Hartman

August 15, 2019

NCSAAWe want to serve your teams, athlete, school, and community!  If you're not currently an NCSAA member school, we'd love to have you join us!  We make membership super-affordable so that any school can be a part of what we're doing, and your participation makes it possible for us to serve schools and young people across the country!
The cost of NCSAA membership is only $50 annually; three years ago we reduced the membership dues amount significantly (by $100), in order to make this something that any school could feasibly afford.  And NOW...we have chosen to make member dues "voluntary" -- meaning that you can choose whether you want to pay the member dues or not.  So...please accept our invitation to join us as a member school!  It's our desire to make membership a very low financial investment for all schools, as well as something in which more and more schools can participate without concern for the cost -- so we are very excited to be able to make this change!

We hope that this decision will seem inconsistent with the pattern of many of our culture's business decisions.  In choosing to voluntarily reduce the amount of funds that will be brought in through membership, we are trusting in and enthusiastic about God's direction for NCSAA -- to prioritize serving our schools and to invite more and more schools into a relationship with our organization and with one another.  We are excited about this decision to prioritize mission and service ahead of charting a "safe" financial course.

We hope that God will continue to use us to build a strong and committed group of Christian schools, as a means of encouraging and challenging young people in their relationship with Christ, promoting the uniqueness of Christ-centered athletics, offering events and services to schools across the country, and partnering with teams and schools to share the love of Christ with their local communities.

To our members...We are encouraged by you; we appreciate you; and we are so thankful for the opportunity to serve your schools!  To those not yet members...use this as an opportunity to join us.  We are excited about the year ahead!

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Spring Arbor University (MI)Grace Christian UniversityCentral Christian College of the Bible - MI