NCSAA Soccer and Volleyball Championships

Friday, October 28, 2016 - Saturday, October 29, 2016

2016 NCSAA Soccer and Volleyball Championships  

NCSAA Soccer and Volleyball Championships

Boys' Varsity Soccer
Girls' Varsity Volleyball

October 28-29, 2016
Athletes in Action Sports Complex
(Xenia, OH)

Cedarville University
(Cedarville, OH)

Register Online

Final Registration Deadline:
Friday, October 14, 2016

  October 28-29, 2016

Registration Deadline:

The 2016 NCSAA Soccer and Volleyball Championships will have divisions for boys' varsity soccer and girls' varsity volleyball teams.  Teams from any region of the country are eligible to attend.

This tournament will be limited to a maximum of 12 boys' varsity soccer and 12 girls' varsity volleyball teams.

The final registration deadline is October 14, 2016 (or as soon as the tournament reaches full capacity).  At that time we will close registration to begin making the brackets and schedule for the tournament.

Tournament Format:

  • This tournament will be limited to a maximum of 12 boys' varsity soccer and 12 girls' varsity volleyball teams -- and will include a maximum of three boys' soccer and three girls' volleyball divisions.
  • Soccer Divisions:  Teams will be placed into divisions based upon the results of pool play or Opening Round match-up games, or based on pre-tournament seeding (depending upon the total number of teams registered).
  • Volleyball Divisions:  Divisional breakdown will be determined by the results of pool play, or based on pre-tournament seeding (depending upon the total number of teams registered).
  • Homeschool teams are welcome to participate, as long as their players meet our eligibility requirements.  (1 - All players must be regular members of your team during the season.  2 - High school graduates are not permitted to participate with your team. 3 - All team members must be homeschooled or not a member of any other school soccer or volleyball team.)  If you are a homeschool team that is interested in participating, please be sure that your players meet these requirements.  Feel free to call for clarification, if necessary.

Tournament Features and Information:

Tournament Description:

  • The NCSAA Soccer and Volleyball Championships offers an exciting post-season championship tournament experience -- in a Christ-centered environment -- for your soccer and volleyball teams.  Highly-organized and hosted at excellent facilities, this event allows teams of all sizes and levels to finish their seasons with the challenge and reward of a competitive post-season tournament.

Tournament Format:

  • This tournament is open to Christian and private schools from any region of the country. The tournament will be limited to a maximum of 12 boys' varsity soccer teams and 12 girls' varsity volleyball teams, which will compete in as many as three boys' soccer and three girls' volleyball divisions.
  • Boys and girls in grades 7-12 are eligible to compete.
  • Girls will be permitted to participate with your boys' soccer team if your school does not have a girls' soccer team in attendance.
  • Each soccer team will typically play three games during the tournament.  Each volleyball team will typically compete in a full slate of pool play, and then match play to follow.  (This typically consists of pool play, to be followed by at least two matches -- but the format may vary, depending on the format of each year's pool of teams.)  If you have any concern regarding the number of games or matches your team might play, please give us a call.

Closing Ceremony and Awards:

  • All participating teams will be recognized during each division's closing ceremony, which will also include a special time of recognition and prayer for each team's senior athletes.  Each senior athlete will receive a special gift from NCSAA.
  • Awards will be presented to the 1st and 2nd place teams in each division.
  • A number of players from each team will be named to an All-Tournament Team and will be presented with specially-designed NCSAA All-Tournament Team patches to recognize their selection to this team.  Each team will also have the opportunity to nominate players for consideration for the annual NCSAA All-American Teams.
  • The NCSAA Coaches' Award will also be awarded to players throughout the tournament.  These awards will be given by the coaches of the participating teams, as a way to recognize and encourage athletes who demonstrate noteworthy effort, leadership, encouragement, determination, humility, courage, grace, and other qualities of Biblical discipline in their play.  This program allows us to encourage coaches to be intentional in "building into the lives" of the players who are competing this weekend.

Christ-Centered Environment and Team-Building Opportunities:

  • The opportunity to go away to a tournament provides a great time for teammates to grow closer, and we structure our tournaments to encourage team growth.  We are intentional about providing a consistent spiritual challenge for your athletes throughout the event -- from the devotional challenges at the Opening Program and the Friday evening gathering, to the unique devotional booklet provided to your teams for their use throughout the event, to the spirit of mutual encouragement and healthy competition typically displayed at this event, to the unified time of team prayer for senior athletes at the Closing Ceremony.  This NCSAA event is distinctive in its goal of being more than just an athletic event; we desire that your players deepen their relationships with God and their teammates during their time here!

Beneficial Exposure for Your Athletes:

  • Each team's top athletes will be recognized in the "Players to Watch" section of the packet given to all college coaches who attend the event (as well as many college coaches that request these materials after the tournament).  This opportunity presents your players with a great chance to be seen by college coaches, scouts, and recruiters.


Athletes in Action
651 Taylor Drive
Xenia, OH  45385

(NOTE: The address above is for the Athletes in Action Retreat Center and office location.  Soccer games will be played at the Sports Complex, which is adjacent to this property -- but has a different street address (1197 South Detroit Street, Xenia, OH 45385).  Volleyball matches will be played nearby at Cedarville University (251 N. Main Street, Cedarville, OH 45314).

The soccer teams will enjoy playing on Athletes in Action's world-class synthetic turf fields, and the volleyball teams will play all of their matches at Cedarville University.  Teams may choose to stay in the dormitories on the beautiful Athletes in Action campus or in local hotels.

Check out details about the Athletes in Action facilities via the links below:

Team Registration Fee (per team, per event):

$350 for NCSAA full member schools / part of a Discounted Partner League
$400 for NCSAA full member schools / not part of a Discounted Partner League

$450 for non-member schools

Become A Member!

Your registration fee is non-refundable, except in the event of the cancellation of the tournament.

Ask about our Team Sponsorship Program, if you'd like more information about how your team can reduce your costs of attending, via the use of this program.  We'd be happy to send you some information on this new money-saving resource!

All teams are expected to pay their full registration fees by the registration deadline date.  Any exceptions to this rule must be discussed with and approved by NCSAA.  If you have any questions regarding this procedure (or if you are already late with your payment), please contact us ASAP.

Individual Athlete Fee:

$25 per athlete

* Each team pays athlete fees for a maximum of 20 athletes.  You are welcome to have more than 20 athletes on your team, but you will not need to pay athlete fees for athletes past 20 total.

Individual athlete fees are due upon your arrival at the tournament. (Most schools have their athletes contribute to cover this fee.)  If you have any questions regarding these fees, please contact us ASAP.

The individual athlete fee covers and provides access to:

  • Tournament Costs -- Provision of all tournament activities and services to the athlete.  Our costs in putting on this tournament exceed the total amount of entry fees collected, so the athlete fees help to pay the costs of this event.
  • Free Admission -- We encourage parents and families to come out to see their teams play, and the athlete fees allow us to offer free admission (for both days of the tournament).  We are happy to be able to make attendance of the tournament games affordable for your families!

Ask about our Team Sponsorship Program, if you'd like more information about how your team can reduce your costs of attending, via the use of this program.  We'd be happy to send you some information on this new money-saving resource!


We understand that occasionally there may be reason for a team to withdraw from a tournament, after having already registered. If any team must withdraw after already registering for the tournament, that team still will be expected to honor its commitment to pay the full team registration fees. NCSAA must budget based on the number of registered teams, and all fees for all registered spots are critical in order to plan for and conduct a successful tournament. Thanks for your understanding of this!

In addition, any team that withdraws from a tournament one week (or less) before the start of a tournament will be required to pay an additional $200 late withdrawal fee (per team), in order to allow us to recoup extra expenses that will we incur in such a circumstance.  If you do have to withdraw after having registered, please do so as early as possible -- to avoid this extra fee.

Lodging and Meals:

Teams that need overnight lodging have the option of staying in the dormitories at the Athletes in Action Retreat Center, or at local hotels.

  • The Athletes in Action Retreat Center offers retreat-style overnight housing for teams, perfect for tournament-style team bonding. Teams can stay within walking distance of the fields in dorm-style accommodations, including free access to recreation areas and meeting rooms.
  • Lodging Rate: $50.00 per room for each night (3 guests per room)
  • Food Options: Meals are available through an on-site catering company and can be built into the overnight package.  Standard menu is available at $10.75 per meal (per guest), and custom meal options are available through the caterer.
  • Reservations are on a first-come, first-served basis (around 150 beds available over three buildings)...and you should make your meals arrangements when you call for reservations.  Call Kevin Geiss at 937-352-1233 to book your team's rooms.

We will soon be posting a list of suggested hotels and restaurants in the area, as well.


Athletes in Action is located at 651 Taylor Drive, Xenia, OH  45385. - CLICK HERE for directions to the Athletes in Action Sports Complex.

(NOTE: The address above is for the Athletes in Action Retreat Center and office location.  For those teams staying at the AIA dormitories and / or eating meals on campus, you should use the above address.  You can walk over to the soccer fields from the dormitories.)

Soccer games will be played at the Sports Complex, which is adjacent to this property -- but has a different street address.  The address for the AIA Sports Complex gate is 1197 South Detroit Street, Xenia, OH 45385. - CLICK HERE for directions to the Athletes in Action Sports Complex.

Volleyball matches will be played nearby at Cedarville University, which is located at 251 N. Main Street, Cedarville, OH 45314. - CLICK HERE for directions to Cedarville University.

If you need further assistance with directions to the Athletes in Action Sports Complex, please call Athletes in Action at 937-352-1234.

If you need further assistance with directions to Cedarville University, please call Cedarville at 937-766-7700.

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