NCSAA Member School Online Application Form

By completing and submitting this online application form, you officially apply to become an NCSAA Full Member School.

* indicates required field

* Membership Effective Date:

* Name of school:

* Are you a homeschool group or team?
Yes:   No:

* Mailing Address, Line 1:

Mailing Address, Line 2:

* City:

* State:

* Zip Code:

* School Phone Number:

School Fax Number:

School Web Site:

* Enrollment (number of students) in:
* Grades K-5:
* Grades 6-8:
* Grades 9-12:

* Athletic Director:

* Athletic Director's E-mail Address:

* Head Administrator:

Head Administrator's E-mail Address:

* What is the name of the League or Conference in which you play?

* What type of league or conference is this?

Please indicate ALL sports that your school offers.
NOTE:  Please only mark the "Girls" designation for a sport if your school offers a SEPARATE team for girls only.  If girls participate by competing on a boys' team (co-ed), please do NOT indicate that you offer a girls' team in that sport.

NOTE: If you permit 5th-year seniors (or post-graduate students) to participate on any of one of your teams, do not indicate that team as a varsity team.

Varsity Teams:

 Cross-Country - Boys
 Cross-Country - Girls
 Field Hockey - Boys
 Field Hockey - Girls
 Football - 11 Man
 Football - 8 Man
 Golf - Boys
 Golf - Girls
 Soccer - Boys
 Soccer - Girls
 Softball (Fast Pitch) - Girls
 Softball (Slow Pitch) - Girls
 Tennis - Boys
 Tennis - Girls
 Volleyball - Boys
 Volleyball - Girls
 Basketball - Boys
 Basketball - Girls
 Gymnastics - Boys
 Gymnastics - Girls
 Ice Hockey - Boys
 Ice Hockey - Girls
 Soccer - Boys
 Soccer - Girls
 Swimming - Boys
 Swimming - Girls
 Golf - Boys
 Golf - Girls
 Lacrosse - Boys
 Lacrosse - Girls
 Soccer - Boys
 Soccer - Girls
 Softball (Fast Pitch) - Girls
 Softball (Slow Pitch) - Girls
 Tennis - Boys
 Tennis - Girls
 Track & Field - Boys
 Track & Field - Girls
 Volleyball - Boys

Junior High Teams:

 Cross-Country - Boys
 Cross-Country - Girls
 Field Hockey - Boys
 Field Hockey - Girls
 Football - 11 Man
 Football - 8 Man
 Golf - Boys
 Golf - Girls
 Soccer - Boys
 Soccer - Girls
 Softball (Fast Pitch) - Girls
 Softball (Slow Pitch) - Girls
 Tennis - Boys
 Tennis - Girls
 Volleyball - Boys
 Volleyball - Girls
 Basketball - Boys
 Basketball - Girls
 Gymnastics - Boys
 Gymnastics - Girls
 Ice Hockey - Boys
 Ice Hockey - Girls
 Soccer - Boys
 Soccer - Girls
 Swimming - Boys
 Swimming - Girls
 Golf - Boys
 Golf - Girls
 Lacrosse - Boys
 Lacrosse - Girls
 Soccer - Boys
 Soccer - Girls
 Softball (Fast Pitch) - Girls
 Softball (Slow Pitch) - Girls
 Tennis - Boys
 Tennis - Girls
 Track & Field - Boys
 Track & Field - Girls
 Volleyball - Boys

* Are your teams eligible to participate in post-season play after your league / conference / state tournaments?
NOTE:Please indicate only whether your teams are potentially eligible (in other words, NOT restricted by league / conference / state rule) to participate in post-season play after your league / conference / state tournaments. You are NOT making any commitment to participate in NCSAA tournaments by answering "YES".

              Yes          No


  • Division 1 - If you have 300 or more students in grades 9-12, you will be in NCSAA Division 1.
  • Division 2 - If you have 80-299 students in grades 9-12, you will be in NCSAA Division 2.
  • Division 3 - If you have 79 or fewer students in grades 9-12, you will be in NCSAA Division 3.
  • These divisions will be used for the purpose of NCSAA National and Super-Regional Rankings.
  • The divisional breakdown at NCSAA tournaments is not based strictly on school size.
  • Inclusion in any NCSAA division does not require you to attend any NCSAA tournaments.


  • NCSAA maintains varsity team National Rankings (Division 1, Division 2, and Division 3) and Super-Regional Rankings (Division 1, Division 2, and Division 3) in numerous sports throughout each school year.  You must be an NCSAA Member School to be included in the rankings.
  • Inclusion in the NCSAA National and Super-Regional Rankings does not require you to attend any NCSAA tournaments.
  • NCSAA currently operates varsity post-season championship tournaments in fall soccer (boys and girls), volleyball (girls), basketball (boys and girls), track and field (boys and girls), and baseball -- and a junior-high championship tournament in track and field (boys and girls).
  • Qualifying for NCSAA Championships:  Any team is welcome to register for these tournaments; registration is handled on a first-come, first-serve basis.  Your team can also qualify for the post-season championships through an automatic bid through an NCSAA Partner League.  If your league is interested in partnering with NCSAA and gaining the right to award an automatic bid to its best team, please contact us.  For more specific information on tournament registration and qualifying, please call NCSAA at 724-846-2764.


  • NCSAA does not operate leagues or conferences, provide regular season schedules, or govern schools' regular season activities.
  • All member schools must be Christian schools that profess affirmation of the basic Christian beliefs held by NCSAA.  (If you are not a Christian school, but would like to be an Associate Member for the purpose of attending tournaments, please call NCSAA at 724-846-2764.)
  • Annual school memberships begin on August 1 and end on the last day of July.  Membership automatically renews on August 1st each year, so if you want to cancel your membership at any time, please simply contact us before the end of July.
  • New member schools will be contacted after their membership applications have been reviewed and accepted.
  • A member school grants permission for its school name (and a link to its web site) to be published on the NCSAA web site, in the member school directory.

Our school hereby applies for NCSAA membership and will adhere to all NCSAA membership application procedures. We also affirm our school's agreement with the basic Christian beliefs held by NCSAA. (These statements are provided below.)

* Online "Signature" of Athletic Director or Head Administrator (Enter your initials):
       (Your initials here indicate your commitment and agreement to the statement above.)

Membership rate:

$50 per year 

* Terms of payment:  I will be submitting our membership payment (by check) ASAP.
   Please send us an invoice (bill) for our payment.
   Terms of payment have been settled alternatively with NCSAA.

If you will be mailing your payment, please send it to:

2105 Clayton Road
Beaver Falls, PA 15010

Read the worldview and belief statements below, and then scroll to the bottom of the page and press "Submit" in order to submit the form.  

NCSAA Worldview:

NCSAA is committed to working in the arena of athletics to impact schools, communities, youth, and culture with the love of Jesus Christ -- and, in all of this, to bring honor and glory to God. This purpose is rooted in our reliance upon God's mercy, our desire for relationship with Him, and longing for His Kingdom which He has established forever. His everlasting mercy and desire for relationship with us can be seen throughout history, recorded in His inspired and infallible Word (the Bible) and etched into the truth and design of His creation, through the realities of:  


God created every detail of our world perfectly. He created man, as part of this perfect creation, in His own image -- and gave man the task of caring for this creation. He provided relationship -- companionship -- as one of the essential parts of His perfect creation. God's design for life reveals His intent for humans to need and cherish relationship; and in His creation of man (who bears His image), we can recognize God's own desire for relationship.  


Through Adam and Eve's disobedience, sin entered the world; that sin stained every aspect of creation and separated man from the love of God. Every human being throughout all of history has been corrupted by the reality of that original sin. Our thoughts and desires, relationships, and every aspect of our lives and activity have been distorted; and we are completely unable to avoid or correct this brokenness in our own selves and lives.  


God's Love is greater than our defects, and His power is not bound by the effects of sin. Sending His own perfect Son to dwell on earth and to die as an atoning sacrifice for our sin, God offers to creation freedom from condemnation. As part of this restoration of creation to Himself, God grants forgiveness, salvation, and the promise of eternal life to everyone who places his faith in Jesus Christ. The work of redemption is accomplished solely through God's grace, and He calls His redeemed people to be witnesses to and bearers of that same grace.

God's intent for creation, the effects of the man's fall to sin, and the implications of God's grace and redemption extend to all of creation -- to all parts of our lives. Athletic giftedness and activity is no exception; in a culture that loves, prizes, and often worships sport, we are reminded of our task of caring for creation. We do not turn our backs on athletics that is marred by sin; we carry Christ's redeeming purpose into the midst of the clamor. Our mission, then, is to work in the midst of communities which still bear the effects of sin -- proclaiming the truth of God's grace and His desire to replace brokenness with Love, His insistence that we turn away from worthless lusts and ambitions in order to realize His purpose and desire to claim our hearts, and His pleasure in our use of gifts and talents to honor the name of the God who gave them.  

We believe…

. . . the Bible to be the inspired, only infallible, authoritative, inerrant Word of God.
. . . there is one God, eternally existent in three persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
. . . in the deity of Christ, His virgin birth, His sinless life, His miracles, His vicarious and atoning death, His resurrection, His ascension to the right hand of God, and His personal return in power and glory.
. . . in the absolute necessity of regeneration by the Holy Spirit for salvation because of the exceeding sinfulness of human nature; and that we are justified on the single ground of faith in the shed blood of Christ, so that by God’s grace we are saved.
. . . in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost—the saved to the resurrection of life, and the lost to the resurrection of condemnation.
. . . in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ.
. . . in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a godly life.

When you have completed this entire form and approved it with your online "signature", press "Submit" below.  

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