Make a Monthly Pledge Donation to NCSAA

You can make a monthly pledge to NCSAA by clicking on one of the PayPal buttons below.

PayPal is an online payment service.  Using PayPal to send payments is free.

Click the appropriate payment plan button below.  Complete and submit the donation form.  (This will allow us to send you a monthly payment notification, via PayPal.)

$10 per month
$20 per month
$30 per month
$40 per month
$50 per month
$75 per month
$100 per month
$250 per month
$500 per month
$1000 per month

If you would like to pledge a different amount per month, please contact us to make arrangements.

If you would rather view a printable donation form (to pay by check via US Postal Mail), click here.

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