NCSAA National 5k Run / Walk


August 19 - October 31, 2024

For more details and to register online:

NCSAA 5k Run / Walk

The 12th Annual NCSAA National 5k Run / Walk features an opportunity for you to compete in the race without having to attend an on-site event.  You'll be competing alongside and against individuals from other schools and regions of the country!  No matter where you live, you can participate in this year's event -- a unique format that allows competition alongside hundreds of others from across the country.

The event will include a 5k Run / Walk, as well as a 1-Mile Walk (for those walkers who would prefer to not walk the entire 5k).

You can complete your run or walk anytime between August 19 (at 9:00 AM) and October 31 at 12:00 AM (midnight).  You will have the option (but are not required) to have your time included in the "national standings" for the event -- and be eligible for awards and prizes.  (We plan to give awards to the top three overall national 5k male and female finishers, as well as possibly to top finishers within each age group -- but we'll make some decisions about how many awards to present at a later date, based on overall registration for the event.  The top overall national team will also receive an award.)

DETAILS ABOUT HOW TO RECORD YOUR TIME (and be eligible for individual awards) will be provided to you via e-mail, closer to the start of the event in August.  If you have any questions about those now, feel free to contact us at -- Thanks!

You can choose the Standard option (and pay the entry fee) or the Fundraising option (no entry fee...just set up a fundraising page and ask others to sponsor you to participate).  BE SURE TO JOIN THE TEAM FOR YOUR SCHOOL (as a part of the steps of registering), if your school would like to compete for a team award!  (You will also have the option -- at a later date closer to the event -- to order and receive a race t-shirt, if you would like. More details will be provided later about that opportunity, via e-mail, to all registered participants.)

We are very excited to be able to make this a national event and include those across the country who care about NCSAA and the other schools that they represent!


After you register for the event (and within a couple weeks of the date of the event), you will receive (by e-mail) additional, detailed instructions regarding the race -- how to record your time, how final standings will be published, how awards will be mailed out, etc.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact NCSAA at 724-846-2764 (phone) or (e-mail).  Thanks for your interest in this year's event!

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