NCSAA Hearts and Minds Project

We believe that "the Word of God is living and active" and that it "judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart" (Hebrews 4:12).  Thus, NCSAA promotes and encourages the development of community ministry programs that provide opportunity to share the truth of God's Word, in the midst of relationship-building and service.  The ultimate goal of this community-building is to meet the deepest need of every person - knowing Jesus Christ, and growing daily in a relationship with Him.

The Hearts and Minds Project is a joint effort of Christian schools nationwide, who have committed to impact their local communities with the love of Christ.  These schools have committed to use their resources (including people, time, facilities, equipment, and finances) to start and maintain local community ministry programs.

NCSAA offers various start-up resources and advisory services to Christian schools that desire to use their athletic programs and resources to establish a lasting ministry in their own local communities.

If you're interested in participating in the Hearts and Minds Project, please contact NCSAA at 724-846-2764 or -- so that we can provide information about how you can get started!


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Spring Arbor University (MI)Grace Christian UniversityMount Vernon Nazarene University